Collection: Keplinger Wines

About Winery

In 2004, I moved to the Priorat region in Spain to start the winery for a group of partners who had purchased a vineyard there. Over the next three years of living there full-time and then traveling back and forth from Napa Valley, I became steeped in the culture, lifestyle, food and wines.

My husband, DJ, visited me often and we traveled throughout southern France, the Languedoc, and the Rhone. We became even bigger fans of the regional wines, as well as the complete Mediterranean way of life – the kitchen gardens, local fresh food, anything slathered in olive oil and sprinkled with sea salt – all of which are enhanced by the delicious, food-friendly wines. These wines and ideals are a big part of our lives in Napa, so it was only natural to begin our wine project with California Grenache and Syrah, and vineyards that would allow them to touch their full potential.

Great wine is only possible from great vineyards – we select vineyards, farm grapes, and make wine by this mantra.

At our core, we are wine lovers, and we thoroughly enjoy the process of seeking out exceptional vineyards ideal for a specific varietal, and farming for the highest quality. We sweat the details with pleasure – focusing on small quantities made from small wine lots, respecting and responding to the uniqueness of each site and year. Working hard but with finesse, we believe in gentle winemaking to create wines of balance and complexity that are true to their varietal and speak of their terroir and provenance.

Helen Keplinger and DJ Warner